Facebook users do not realize how vulnerable their information is, according to Ari Melber in “About Facebook.“ Melber states that face book has over 58 million active members. Between those 58 million members there are more than 2.7 billion photos posted, and more than 2.2 billion digital labels. All photos posted on facebook are property of Facebook. The photos can be used for advertising bulletins. Even those who terminate their membership still leave their pictures and digital labels posted online. If you die Facebook keeps your member profile in archives to be accessed and mourned by other Facebook users, including your pictures.
All Facebook members have the right to limit the access others have to their profile, but most just choose the default setting. “Why do young people publicize the very information they want to keep private?“ Asked melber. According to a study done by Carnegie Mellon one third of students didn’t know how easy it is for non students to access their profile. Thirty percent of students didn’t even know they could limit access to their profile. Four out of every five people give access to everybody by choosing just default settings.
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